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Αρχική / Industrial Chemicals / Fuel Improvement Additives

Fuel Improvement Additives




Gasoline improving additive, cleaner for injectors & valves, friction reducer

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2. FC 600D

Fuel combustion improver, soot reducer and pour point depressant for boilers and furnaces

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3. FC 700H

Fuel combustion improver, soot reducer and pour point depressant for boilers and furnaces

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4. FL 550

Pour point and flow improver for Diesel & Heating oil

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5. BIO 1000

Fuel stabiliser against bacteria and fungi

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6. BIO 6000.53

Concentrated fuel stabilizer against bacteria and fungi

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7. FT 500

Flow improver, asphaltene and fuel oil deposits dispersant

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8. FT 500 PLUS

Combustion improver, flow improver – asphaltene dispersant, residue & deposits dispersant & fuel oil stabilizer

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9. FCL 560

Combustion improver, soot reducer & flow improver, for boilers & furnaces operating with Heavy Fuel Oil

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10. FC 900C

Combustion improver & soot reducer for boilers and furnaces operating with heavy fuel oil

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11. FC 900LS

Combustion improver – soot reducer-deposit modifier for low sulfur fuel oil

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